The Santa Barabara trip was chill. SB is a great town. No walmart. NO Target. What more can you ask for? Almost everyone rides a bike out hurrr and for some reason all the girls walk around here with they high beams on.
Although not everything went according to plan we still managed to have a great time and establish relationships with some great people. It also allowed for Team Dstroy to get away from all the bullshit, and talk business. Definite growth was made.
Shout Outs To Sandra, Katie and Samantha thanks for the hospitality we hope to come back soon...(and have a pillow fight like we planned)
Well the week ended off with the surviving members of Design Team 3 (jk) went on a day long scavenger hunt that took us to all corners of the empire, all in the search for chairs with "character" to add the finishing touches of our Interview room. Although the heat was unbearable we managed to have some fun and take in a bit of culture along the way. Here are some pixs of our day long journey.
All was well at the end. We managed to find two out of the four chairs we needed and I still managed to stop by Hawaiian Blues to have a couple of Beers with some friends (Damien, David, Mariana, Karina, ect...)
For the most part the break has been pretty tame. Wednesday we headed out to L.a. To pick up some inspiration as well as some new eras.(Mondo=M.i.a.) Came back to Luke's house to shoot the gift but mainly to talk about how the rest of the break is look'n as far as work.
After shoot'n some ideas over Luke's new After Effects freelance endeavor we ended the day with a root beer float party. (good look'n out on the floats: Lolo,Candace, Linda)