So I havnt really brought this no ones attention, but C is a talented dude, Hailing from Sacremento, I been knowing this cat for a couple or few years, and it is nice to see him growing as an artist.
Well, C just dropped "The Warm Up" and you can download it for free. On one more note, Thank you for the shout out, keep grinding fam.
I guess there is alot of type, but I will try to keep it brief. So I attended the Wale x Blu x Exile x U-N-I show the other night. First off, I haven't been to a show in a good 6 months, so when I seen the bill, i was quite impressed and honestly, I will probably never see Wale for this cheap no more since signing with Interscope and not to mention, it was nice been in the first row giving all the performers daps.
so let me go step by step.
U-N-I opened up and they moved the crowd nice, never standing in one spot, and Y-O doing a stage dive topped it off, The crowd was luckily enough to get some unreleased tracks and in my opinion they are growing as lyricist, and shout outs to Casey Veggies, seen that kid was pretty dope, keep rockin.
Blu came with his mellow self, I didn't think Blu fit with this line up, but is it because U-N-I opened it up so live and Wale smashed it? I dont know, but Blu was a comedian and what can i say about Exile, rippin the MPC.
Finally, this cat wale had the crowd waiting for a good 40 min, and anxious, after such a hyped opening, it killed the mood. Although, the wait was well worth it, performing with a band makes the show much better, every track that was performed I can honestly say was a banger and not to mention the acts he brought to the stage. In my opinion, Wales performance was pretty incredible, and Trey, I guess you can call him his hype man for the night killed it, smashing the choruses, stompin' in his Nike boots and doing a pretty good job doin' some Nervana. the show ended off amazing, with Nike boots, and every one coming back to the stage to give there peaces. Would I be trippin' if I said this show was better than seen Nas a couple years ago?
Last but not least, it surprised me how humble dude was, multiple greetings and coming off the stage at the end of the show and thanking everyone and giving pounds to probably whoever he came across.
oh, and one last thing, shout outs to the appearences, Evidence, C-San, Casey Veggies, Fashawn, Bishop Lamaont, Warren G, Xzibit, Damani, and adam tensta
Bout a week ago the Homegirls Des&Abby came through and paid us visit, Well....long story short... Luke showed me some flicks from that night. Here's a small taste (N0H0M0) If ya'll want to see more hit up...
Some pretty fresh Accessory hooks for the wall. Steel plated black is a good look but £15.00 which is around $21.00 is steep just for a knife to put in MY wall.
But if you decide to purchase or want more info on this product, check out Bouf.
Nice project from the Biselli + Katchborian camp. finished last year, the BV house is a dope mix between concrete and timber.
"The architectural conception for the BV House, located in São Paulo, Brazil, follows a structural approach evident in spans and cantilevers, result of the ribbed concrete slabs. The three-floor house has on its first floor the garage and service areas, a second floor for kitchen and social rooms and a third floor with bedrooms and family room.
This is a typical urban house in the city of São Paulo, established on a site with a sharply inclined surface from the street. The main idea expressed in the project is to give an immediate answer to the place, that has its front (biggest measure) turned north towards an extraordinary view of a rare remaining fragment of Mata Atlântica (Rain forest) right in front of the plot.
The side wood facade is an important element, as it indicates the main access. It also gives privacy to the residents and protects the building from excessive insulation, and also creates a pleasant social space in the balcony.
The metallic details appear on the house as carefully created elements, such as the balconies, handrails and window frames. On the third floor v-opening aluminum shades filters the excessive light and bring movement to the main facade."
On January 20th, 2009, approximately 2,000,000 people descended on Washington, D.C. to witness and participate in the inauguration of President Barack Obama. Here is a montage of video footage I captured during that time.
Finally got around to choppin' it up with the crew, been a minute since I seen and bullshitted with em'. Today we headed up to Borders to scope out whats hot this month on the publication tip and who knew they had pretty solid Cd's for sale?
After that lil adventure, rolled over to Elephant Bar to toss up topics and see whats been poppin' around and whats been good on everyones side.
Well heres some flicks from Eddie's party on Saturday... I hope to get more of the actuall performance. Soo if you were there and took any...shoot me some. Anywaze..Saturday can only be described by one word.. straight fucking GUTTER..i havent been to anything like that in a while. Honestly it felt fucking good to let out some aggression..especially in todays Kanye/LIL' Wayne infested, electro pop mashUP, kid cudi hipster, pea coat wearin' ass culture..... (writing this as i listen to "welcome to heartbreak"...THE IRONY!!) On shuffle of corse..
"City of God's Son" is an experimental hip hop opera starring Nas, Jay-Z, Ghostface, Biggie Smalls, Raekwon, Samuel Jackson, Delroy Lindo, and Laurence Fishburne.
This is an hybrid between an ordinary bookshelf and a sculpture.The shelves are displaced in a wave like motion. This creates an interesting expression and a playful meeting between the wall and the floor.
As well as this pretty dope bookshelf, ADDI has a nice lil list of stuff that they have done on there website. Tom view more snaps of this specific piece, click here.
Pretty dope stuff spotted on anacardim. The garbage pin is a solid idea but you wont catch me wearin' trash on my chest.
Garbage Pin is born of a definitely urban concept, the appropriation and reinterpretation of a daily use object: the garbage bin.
Being one of the most common typologies of urban equipment in the cosmopolitan network, the garbage bag belongs without any doubt to the collective imagery, present in every urbanite life’s day as a reflection of a culture involved with the accelerated and growing consumism, as is ours…