Everytime I'm at the homies Lukes (1/4th of highend) I come across or happen
to take a peak at Lorena's toys (Lobot toys). It's safe to say that they are probobly
some of the freshest toys I have seen in a while with her touch of style.
When asking Lo about her new toy (Snow Monster) that she posted a shoot for, she simply replied:
"thats a new snow moster, he's one of my new pieces for 09, but in the future im going to
do more original character dolls as opposed to what i make right now, like stuff that already
exist, so i guess i mean more imaginary characters iv had up my sleeve, it's time to make
them come to life also, and probably some more life objects, i want to do more electronics.
Oh and im going to do a series of angry/sad toys, since if you noticed i just do happy ones.
Also louie and i are collaborating on 3 toy designs so far, it's gonna b insane. Im going
to make 2009 pop hopefully."

To check out more work or have any questions regarding Lobot Toy's hit up these links: