In my opinion Nicolay is probobly the most constistant producer
I have heard, and along with that, Phonte from Little Brother is one
of the most consistent rappers on the mic.
Its' been a couple years since there last release which in my opinion
was a classic, but then again, I'm on that soft shit. So of course i was
excited when there new release is due out in the next couple months
and when i peeped these videos.
Part 1
Part 2

Dear friends,
Here's a little update straight from the studio. Let me cut right to the chase...
the new FOREIGN EXCHANGE record is almost finished! We are currently working
on one of the last tracks, which is the title track, 'Leave It All Behind', already
one of my personal favourites. Some other songtitles that I can confirm at this
point are 'Sweeter Than You' and 'House Of Cards'.
We first started working on this record back in 2006, and it feels good knowing
that the finish line is finally in sight. It's been quite a journey! We are both very
proud of the record and can't wait for you to hear it. And while you'll have to wait
a little while longer, you now know that it is indeed on the way. Keep an eye on
this page for more information coming soon.
One love, and thanks for your support,