The collection was up on ebay for awhile and when I checked it every other
day, there was nothing, meaning no bids.
At the end of the bidding a cat won, but nothing really surfaced beyond that
and what ever happend until I ran into the video today.
It's sad to see this dedicated collector having to give up his life and his passion
for a buck but the story is quite on point.

Paul Mawhinney can't be a happy man. As we reported last week, the American
music collector had put his enormous music library on the auction block - an a
rchive of more than three million records that he had dubbed the "World's
Greatest Music Collection".
At the close of bidding, Mawhinney had received a winning bid of $3,002,150
from a buyer in Ireland. On Friday Mawhinney told reporters that the winning
bidder had already deposited $300,000 and that his bank had confirmed the
availability of funds for the full amount.
to read the rest, check it out here